


Since 1998, our  Neighborhood Association has been providing services to all homeowners to maintain and enhance the character of our neighborhood.

Together, we do what would be difficult for us to do individually.

Current annual dues are only $80. Approximately 80% of neighbors voluntarily join every year.

Services include common area landscape maintenance, communications, social activities, City and County interface and services such as “dumpster day” and hazardous waste recycling and large scale improvement projects such street tree trimming and the construction of a retaining wall.

Approximately 30% of funds go to maintaining the common areas surrounding our homes.

Approximately 30% of dues are allocated to fund our major projects

While social activities (helping neighbors know other neighbors) are an extremely important Association activity, only about 20% of dues are used for this purpose, as most events are participant-funded.

Communications takes many forms including a website, newsletters, email and maintaining a database of neighbors.

To join the Association, just click on the “Join Now” button and submit your information and payment. Welcome!

Questions? Send an email to the Association President by clicking on the “Ask A Question” button.