Your Graystone of Almaden membership is an annual membership and needs to be renewed each year. As a first step, please check and update your directory information. Then update your password and finally renew your membership. Listed below is more detail on each of the steps.
First, log in to the site. You’ll find the Member Center / Login page under the Members menu. Your user ID is your last name and your first initial, all lower case. (For example, David Smith’s username is smithd.)
Your initial password was given to you by the website administrator. You can change it after you log in.If you’ve lost or forgotten your password, the Forgot Password link on the login page (see the lower right, below the Password field) will email a password reset link to you if we have a valid email address in our database.
Update Your Profile
Select the Edit My Information link. You’ll see a form with your basic information… name, address, phone number, email address, and names of your household members. Check to be sure the information is correct. (It’s especially important that we have a valid email address, in case you forget your password.) Click the Submit button at the bottom of the form to return to the Member Center.
Please note that the information you provide is available to other members, but is not accessible to the general public.
Update Your Password
It’s a good idea to regularly change your website passwords; your annual Graystone of Almaden renewal can serve as a reminder. To change your site password, select the Change Password link. On the password form, you can enter a new password, retype the password to make sure it matches, and then click the Update Password button.
Renew Your Membership
Check your expiration date to determine if you need to renew your membership. If so, click the Renew Membership link. The next page shows the current membership dues, and a button that will take you to PayPal.
At PayPal, you can pay your dues using your own PayPal account, or you can log in as a guest and use a major credit card to pay.
You will receive an email receipt from PayPal when your charge has been processed, and your membership expiration date will be automatically updated in our database.
Get Started Now
Get Started Now !You can click the button on the right to go directly to the member login page (or go to the Members menu and select Member Center / Login). Remember, your user name is your last name followed by your first initial (all lower case). Your password should have been given to you by the website administrator.